Monday, July 17, 2006

Am I alone in...

not knowing anything about the price of yarn?

This is what people in my section of the office are talking about today. I haven't a clue what represents a woolly bargain. Does anyone even use the term yarn these days? It sounds rather old-fashioned to me.

The person who is spearheading this discussion is the same person who asked me a few months ago if I did much crochet. I don't.

Anyone who knows me at all would know that I'm not that sort of girl. Not that there is anything wrong with it - although I did think it was a bit off when she got her handicrafts out at the dinner table at the office party.


SandDancer said...

My 'yarn lover' is American too - perhaps its American for wool?

In case anyone asks you again, Liberty has a sale of 'yarn' on now, although as discussed you might not actually want to look as if you know.

SandDancer said...

Well, that's us told!