Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hit the North

Tomorrow, I'm going back up north for a few days. The original intention was to do very little other than relax, but given the recent bouts of ill health in my family, it will now mainly consist of accompanying my mum on hospital visits, so it might actually be quite stressful. There can't be many wards left in the hospital that we haven't visited over the year - perhaps we'll get a prize for collecting the full set.

Tomorrow night I'm going to my niece's school play - I'm quite excited at this as I've never been to a school play that I wasn't in. I've also volunteered to mow the lawn at my gran's - I've never actually mown a lawn before (is mown even a word - that's how little I know about it!) but I've had a yearning to do some gardening for a while now.

Hopefully, there might be time to take Ellie to the beach (pictured below at its brooding best). She does a great stylised prance when she's on sand that always amuses me.

Not sure how I'll cope without internet access for five days though.


Suz said...

Sorry to hear about your relatives :-(

That's a fab photo, btw.

Hope you have a good few days anyway.

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