Friday, June 09, 2006

Good Day, Sunshine

I'm in an unfeasibly good mood today. I was woken up at 5.30am by the sunshine coming through our curtains (we really need to get some blackout curtains), but rather than being annoyed by it, I decided to get up early & make the most of the day. I travelled into work with the Present Incumbent, I got off at TCR & walked the rest of the way and arrived at work very early. And my good mood hasn't faded yet.

I did consider going swimming at 6.30 but decided that would be too much as I will need to stay up quite late tonight (by my standards) as I'm going to see Midsummer Night's Dream at the Open Air Theatre. I'm really looking forward to this as I've never been there before, but it is nearly three hours long so it will be quite a late night for theatre.

We are having a liquid picnic beforehand (actually it might be this bit I'm looking forward to the most) so I'm going to buy a couple of mini bottles of wine, which the Present Incumbent referred to as 'being for ponces', although he conceded it was quite practical in this case. And I've packed a pair of trousers and a cardigan in case it gets cold (plus a brolly - ever the pessimist that I am)

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