Thursday, June 14, 2007


Back from Birmingham and the windowless hotel.

The room was so small that on entering, you had to be very careful not to walk into the far wall.

The heat and lights were controlled by an illuminous panel - it would have been so much simpler if they'd been a window - too hot = open window, too cold= close window, too dark - open curtains etc.

I still don't understand why there weren't windows - the reception had a huge glass front so perhaps they'd blown the glazing budget on that.

The bed however was very very comfortable.


Roses said...

Good the looks of the pictures you couldn't swing half a cat round that room.

At least the bed was comfy. That is something.

Welcome back hon, I bet your tommies were happy to see you.

SandDancer said...

I was only really gone for day but somehow it felt like I'd been gone much longer. I couldn't have stayed in that room more than one night though.

The tomatoes seemed distinctly underwhelmed to see me!

Miss Forthright said...

I feel claustrophobic just looking at that room!

M said...

Yikes! Is the entire hotel windowless (other than the lobby)? It must be incredibly stuffy, as well. I can't breathe, just thinking about it.

SandDancer said...

The hotel was just located on the first floor of a large building - the rest of the floors had windows, just not theirs - but yes, all of the rooms were identically windowless.

It wasn't stuffy due to the powerful air-con, but a window would have been nicer.

GJ xx said...

I feel like Miss Forthright looking at that too - totally claustraphobic! I wonder why there were no windows...I'm sure thats illegal because of fire regulations :-/ Glad to hear the bed was comfy though!

Inspector Monkfish said...

Perhaps they could squeeze more rooms in, putting them back-to-back rather than along the outside wall?

I'm really not sure how I'd actually feel about staying there. I suspect I probably randomly wander around the room more than I realise, and would miss the space more than anything.

SandDancer said...

There certainly wasn't any room for wandering, IM - I tend to like a good nose around when I'm on holiday, trying out everything in the room (kettle, hairdryer, opening all the cupboards etc) but there wasn't much scope for that here.

Helen said...

Is that the nitenite one? The rooms are supposed to recreate a cabin on a boat or something - in other words cram as many rooms in as poss to make the most money! Stupid!

Sam said...

Tiny room I can cope with, but windowless? I think I'd go all Paris Hilton and start freaking out

SandDancer said...

Hello Helen! Yes, it is the NiteNite and it is 'supposed' to look like a luxury yacht. I've never been on a luxury yacht but I'm pretty certain it didn't as it was a bit low on luxury.