Thursday, March 01, 2007

11th Hour Crisis

We were supposed to exchange contracts today. It hasn't happened.

The seller's seller had given them a deadline of 11.30 today to exchange. Apparently they have had a cash offer and were threatening to go with that if this sale didn't speed up, although our Estate Agent said people often lie about these things to get things moving faster.

So our solicitor did what she was supposed to do this morning. The seller's solicitor did what they were supposed to do. But the seller's seller's solicitor was stuck in traffic so they missed the 11.30 deadline.

The seller's seller is not answering the phone so nobody knows what he wants to do. Even though it was his side's fault.

Our Estate Agent assured me that our sale will still go ahead with our seller renting & putting her things in storage if necessary. But whether this affects the completion date remains to be seen. So our exchange is now probably going to happen tomorrow, but I'm not counting my chickens, holding my breath or any other metaphor until it happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no how frustrating and nerve wracking for you!

One of my friend's had her exchange held up as someone much further up the chain on the day suddenly held the chain to randsom for his stamp duty and threatened to pull out if everyone in the chain didn't pay towards it - apparently this happens all the time and the only thing to do is walk away and lose everything or to pay up your bit to keep the sale on track, which is what my friend had to begrudgingly do.

So at least it's only traffic holding your exchange up - Fingers crossed it comes together tomorrow.

You must be very excited about it all now