I've been really good with exercise this last week, going to a new more intense water workout class on Monday and swimming every week day since. I didn't feell tired or ache. I felt motivated and energised.
Yesterday, I couldn't get to the pool, but I was active with plenty of walking and gardening. This year's tomato plants were long overdue to be repotted so I walked to the shops to buy a sack of compost. And walked back carrying the bag of compost. It is a brisk 20 minute walk, which I managed without too much trouble. The tomatoes are now re-homed in large pots and my garden resembles a tomato farm.
All good, except this morning my arms are very sore. They ache so much that even lifting a mug this morning seems like a chore.
Enjoy those tomatoes. We're having no tomatoes in the U.S. right now due to a salmonella scare. None. Nada. Even the restaurants aren't serving them. *sigh*
I'm trying to convince myself that gardening is a bona fide exercise seeing as I have failed to do anything else of late (although I was 'almost' tempted to get my swimsuit out when I saw your post on the outdoor swimming pool).
We potted on our tomatoes and cucumbers this weekend too, but we cheated and drove to the garden centre for the compost but I did carry it from the car to the garden...
M - do tomatoes get salmonella? I've never heard of that! How frustrating for you though if you love tomatoes
Salmonelle in tomatoes! I've not heard of that. I couldn't imagine a world without tomatoes.
NM - You have cucumbers too? Are they easy to grow? I think gardening can certainly be exercise - lots of bending and stretching, but nothing comes close to carrying compost!
The other half has gone a bit mad this year largely as a result of getting a mini greenhouse for christmas.
We have tomatoes, cucumbers, chillis and a courgette plant. The cucumber and courgette are really easy to grow, slthough we're fighting a daily battle with the slugs and snails as they love them!
Alas, tomato fans, 'tis true. Here's one of many newslinks on the tomato/salmonella issue going on in the U.S. currently. *sigh*
NM ~ My pepper plants are now sad green stalks thanks to the slugs. Death to slugs!
I wish I could come swimming with you Sanddancer.
All this garden talk makes me deeply envious. I loved pottering in my garden and then having a cold beer on the bench watching the world go by. Anytime you need a hand just let me know.
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