Thursday, June 12, 2008

You Only Get What You Pay For

Scenes from a depressing Birmingham hotel.

What these pictures fail to convey is the uncomfortableness of a room without air conditioning on a hot night on a very busy and noisy street.


Roses said...

Thank goodness you made it back in one piece, that's all I can say.

Did the OH have a tall glass of naughtiness waiting? Next to your bath of sheep dip?

SandDancer said...

There is apparently a worse a hotel in Birmingham though with peeling wallpaper and Fawlty Towers like management.

M said...

At least it isn't the one from a while back with no windows in it. Was that in Birmingham as well?

SandDancer said...

Yes, that was Birmingham too. I'm working my way through the budget hotels there. For £20 more we could stay somewhere decent.

Carlito86 said...

I can't believe the window less room was a year ago! It only seems two minutes ago you wrote that post! At least the window less one looked more attractive than this one though

SandDancer said...

I know - it doesn't seem like a whole year ago. I've now been to Birmingham three times for work and each time, I keep thinking that I won't be here the next year.

The windowless room was at least modern and clean, but I can't say I'd want to stay in either again.