Friday, August 08, 2008


I’m cursed with an excellent long term memory. I can remember every detail about events from years ago. I can remember whole conversations I had with people I’ve not seen in over a decade, what they were wearing and what I was wearing.

What use is this to me? Absolutely none whatsoever (unless I need to write my memoirs later in life which seems unlikely).

It is a curse. It makes it far too easy to dwell on the past, nobody else ever remembers these things and I look like an obsessive for remembering everything.

On the other hand, I have what the OH refers to as my “skipping mind”, a shockingly bad short-term memory and an infuriating absentmindedness. I can't remember what I walked into the room to do, but I can tell you in detail about things that happened in 1994.


Anonymous said...

I know excatly what you mean as I'm the same...

My OH has a terrible memory so we're always having conversations where I say things like "you know when we went to [name of restaurant] in 1996 and you had the fish with the lemon sauce and i had the red wine from spain" whilst he stares at me blankly...

Thankfully in my line of work this is regarded as a blessing rather than a curse and I am tagged as the one with amazing attention to detail and the font of all knowledge!

cogidubnus said...

Reminds me of an old boy I used to know at work, who in current life genuinely couldn't remember which day of the week it was...

However, on the marriage of a mate of mine, (a distant cousin of his), in 1984, he said to the grooms parents: "Oh I remember the last time we was 1948... just after your wedding...we had xxxx for dinner" ... and sure enough after 36 years he could remember the entire menu in detail...