Friday, April 04, 2008

Perks of the Job

Years ago when I worked in recruitment, we used to ask candidates for details of their current salary and benefits. One unfortunate stated the only benefits of his job were “free tea, coffee and cordial juice”.

Sometimes I feel that way too (except we don’t have the juice), but today I was reminded of a small thing I love about working in an office. It isn’t really a perk of this job, but something that is a tradition across most British work places.

The Sweep Stake

I’m not a gambler. I’ve never set foot into a betting shop. But I love a sweep stake. Today, it is for the Grand National but we also do them for the World Cup too. A little bit of excitement in exchange for a pound.

Of course, I don’t expect mine will win, but nonetheless tomorrow I will be cheering for McKelvey.

(I’m in a good mood today because it is sunny and when its like this I appreciate the small things more and all seems well)


Mellifluous Dark said...

Ah, yes. The office sweepstake... I am working at home today, but have put in a request that a colleague at a regular client of mine puts her hand in the hat for me and picks me a winner. Fingers crossed.

I've been in a betting shop twice. My abiding memory is of coming out reeking of cigarette smoke.

Mellifluous Dark said...

PS: I've got Chelsea Harbour. I hope one of us wins!

SandDancer said...

I'm not sure I approve of freelance people taking part! There has to be some small perk for being in the office, you know! :)

Chelsea Harbour is supposed to be a good one. Someone at work said that was who they wanted to get as they'd heard it tipped on the radio.

M said...

If I'm gleaning correctly, I think this is what we call the 'office pool' here. Currently, offices are abuzz with a pool on March Madness, the nationwide U.S. college basketball tournament that takes place each March. It's down to the Final Four and things are getting heated!

SandDancer said...

Yes, that would be it. I'm well aware of March Madness - the OH was trying to set me interested in it while we were in SF.

The Grand National is a horse race, in case you didn't know.

I've just drawn out an additional horse (a gambling habit forming!) - its called Fundamentalist. He might have the determination to win at all costs I suppose.

Mellifluous Dark said...

Oh, SandDancer! Honestly. I'm often in the office – chained to a desk. It's because I've injured my knees that I haven't been able to commute. So there. ;)

Oh, is Chelsea Harbour good? Excellent. I won't be able to watch the race tomorrow, as I'll be out and about, but shall pop to a pub as soon as I can and check.