Sunday, December 10, 2006

Things I've remembered about living on my own

1. Its possible to waste a huge amount of time doing very little (i.e. changing the Blog layout!)
2. It means either wasting food or eating the same thing a few days in a row (I'm mix between vegetable chilli and stirfry for a bit of variety)
3. I tend to pick at things in the fridge purely out of boredom
4. A bottle of wine lasts alot longer


Miss Forthright said...

I can really sympathise. I do all of these. I tend to have chicken breasts in the freezer and a variety of things they can go with though, to avoid wastage/ eating the same thing for days on end.

SandDancer said...

I did treat myself to a broccoli though! He hates it so I'm having it everyday while he's away.

Miss Forthright said...

You devil you.

Roses said...

5. Not having to pick up after (or mutter about) someone elses socks/pants/shoes.

6. You can leave your socks/pants/shoes anywhere you like.

SandDancer said...

Yes, my boots are happily sat in the lounge and I haven't tripped over them once.