I've not posted anything for a while. A combination of things - I've been feeling a bit low, had nothing much of interest to say, and it appears that my work is going through a phase of monitoring what everyone looks at on the internet. So I've been off-line for a few days.
Today, I had a huge tidy up at work - not very interesting but I feel so much better for having done it. The gloom clouds that had gathered in my head about work haven't entirely gone, but now I can actually see my desk and have usable drawers and shelf space, I'm not dreading going into work quite so much tomorrow.
Big hugs mate. You know where I am if you want a chat. x
Feel better! Welcome back.
Totally, get it! I was going through the same two weeks ago. You'll be posting as much as when you first started, before you know it!
I think it's the weather - this gloomy autumn rain and dark clouds is just miserable. I'm exactly the same... Hope you are feeling inspired soon!
Sending you hugs darling, hope you feel better soon.
I love having a clear out, I even sometimes put old bus tickets and crap in my drawers just so when I come to clear it out they'll be more rubbish and I'll feel like I cleared loads out!
I've been feeling a bit like this too, I think Northern Monkey is right, the weather just doesn't help!
Thank you for the messags of support. I'm still feeling pretty uninspired and things at work have reached a strange point which I can't really discuss on here, but the next week should be interesting.
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