Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Whereas before I took a train then a tube to work, now I take the bus. Two buses in fact.

This is just one of the changes involved in the change of jobs.

Where I was in the arts before, I'm now in the Voluntary & Community Sector.
Where I worked in central London before, I'm now on the outskirts
Where my job had a UK-wide remit before, I'm now working at a local level in one borough
Where I worked 10 to 6, I now work 9 to 5

Its a lot of change. I'm still exhausted by it all. I'm still not sure what to make of it.

On the plus side, I have a new health club and whilst I am missing my outdoor swimming, this place is clean and quiet.


cogidubnus said...

Phew...glad to hear that, tiredness apart, all is ok...the lack of blogging was making me fear the worst...

I'm in the bus industry, travel by bus, have a fairly local remit (well just three counties mainly) and am mostly (allegedly) 9 to 5...though if I'm finished before 7 I count myself lucky...

I can certainly equate to your exhaustion!

Roses said...

There you are! I've been wondering how you've been getting on.

The first month of a new job is usually exhausting. So much to get used to.

So will you be blogging about your bus rides then? :-)