Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Phantom Tonsils

I managed to get through the whole of the winter without getting a cold and then it turns March, and I'm hit by a bug. I'm woozy of head, hot of forehead and sore of throat.

Yesterday, my throat was so sore, I was convinced it was my tonsils. Which is strange because I had them removed when I was five. It involved a few nights in hospital and I remember my grandfather visiting me and us eating ice cream together.

I thought removing them was meant to cut down the throat infection thing, but yesterday, I swear they were hurting. So either I'm a medical curiosity, born with two sets of tonsils and they left one pair in. Or I can still feel pain in them like war veterans can still feel pain in amputated limbs.

More likely, it was just a regular sore throat and having escaped a winter cold, I've just forgotten how sore it can be.

So I'm at home today on the OH's orders. I hope I'm well enough to return to work tomorrow - not that I have any great love of the place, but if I see another advert for a stairlift I might just buy one.


Catslife said...

I am off with the same affliction today as well, although mine is slightly self induced as I knew it was starting on Monday & flew with work yesterday and it has made it worse.

Like you, afternoon TV is having me wish I was at my desk.

SandDancer said...

Yeah, I braved work yesterday too when I probably should have stayed off. Hope you feel better soon too.

cogidubnus said...

I'm on a fortnight's enforced leave at present ("use it before the end of March or you'll lose it blah blah") and share your thoughts on daytime TV - if it's not Antiques it's Househunting or DIY...

I'm thinking of visiting B & Q and asking if they can match a paint to David Dickinson's skin tones...

Never mind, there are always books... so make sure you stay off till you're properly better...

Roses said...

I'm suffering from a cold at the moment, so you have my sympathies. At least it's not been bad enough for me to have time off work.

Hugs and icecream honey.

Mellifluous Dark said...

I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Honey in hot water is good (try manuka honey).

And get some DVDs, a duvet and relax...

Katy Swift said...

ibuprofen to take down the inflammation, gargle with soluable paracetamol. Lots of hot fluids. Sorry that's the best I can do. Hope you feel better soon.