Friday, February 02, 2007

Good Mood

I've been in such a good mood today. I really don't know why. Perhaps its because we had such a good night last night. Perhaps its my lovely new jeans. Perhaps it was walking down Charing Cross Road this morning in the sunshine.

Whatever has caused it, it seems pretty unshakeable. I've had the best day at work in ages. Colleague's behaviour hasn't upset me. I've tackled a boring job with enthuasiam (partly due to realising that there was no reason why I couldn't listen to my ipod while I did it). I've got dust down my white top, but I remained cheerful. The Colleague left an hour and a half early - I smiled and wished him a good weekend. The Estate Agent rang to say there are further problems with the lease which our solicitor hadn't bothered to get in touch about - but I'm unfazed.

This is not usual. Somewhere in the universe three must be a normally optimistic person feeling unusually down.


Suz said...

Ooh, this could be me as well! My colleagues were giving me weird looks and telling me I was just too damn cheerful and it was upsetting them on Friday :-D

Hope your optimistic mood has kept going!

SandDancer said...

Fridays are designed for being cheerful though!

The good mood is still here - although flat-buying complications are threatening it.