Saturday, January 10, 2009

Not quite the right word

Radio 5 was doing a vox pop of young people to see how much (or more accurately how little) they knew about the situation in Gaza. Most admitted to knowing nothing or next to nothing about it. Undeterred one young man still attempted to give an opinion. He described the conflicts as:

"a frivolous waste of time"

The OH entered the room at this point and understandably had to ask what the subject was.

Frivolous is not a word I'd use to describe it. Frivolous suggests an activity like shopping for a new hat or spending all your money on cake.

I think he may have meant futile.


Katy Swift said...

Imagine if those interviewed read the word rather than beng told it said "Gaza". They'd probably start going on about how "He was a great footballer" and "It's sad to see him succumb to his demons"

Anonymous said...

scray...just like the morons spraying "Welcome to GAZZA" and "We are Bin Ladin" on the synagogue in Whitechapel last week...

Anonymous said...

sorry in a random coincidental typo, that should say scary...